Tuesday 12 January 2016


  • Ecosystems
  • Biosphere
  • Habitats

  • Observe and identify the main characteristics and components of ecosystems.
  • Recognise and explain some ecosystems (meadow, pond, forest, coast and city).
  • Identify and explain some of the reasons for species' extinction.
  • Observe and identify different habitats of living things


What is an ecosystem?
 What is an ecosystem?

Levels of organisation

The Biosphere

Feeding relationships (producers, consumers...)

Food chains and food webs

On the following animation you can see an explanation about feeding relationships among living things and the food chain.

Explanation of the food chain

The food chain game

Build a food chain

The producers/decomposers game

Endangered animals
The IUCN Red list of threatened species

Help these living things build the perfect habitat!

A test about units 3 and 4


  • The Catholic Monarchs
  • The end of the "Reconquista"
  • Christopher Columbus
  • The discovery of America

  • Identify Isabelle of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon as the Catholic Monarchs.
  • Recognise the marriage of the Catholic Monarchs as the beginning of the kingdom of Spain.
  • Identify some conquerors, navigators and explorers, such as Hernán Cortés, Pizarro, Magallanes and Elcano.
  • Identify the conquest of Granada (1492) as the end of the "Reconquista".
  • Explain the discovery of America (1492) and Cristopher Columbus' voyages.


Christopher Columbus (a timeline, basic information, photos, games, fun facts...)
Explorers for kids

A game about Christopher Columbus. Walk the plank